Fabriano InAcquarello 2023 - next conference meeting informations


Short INFO about FabrianoInAcquarello

FabrianoInAcquarello is: not an organization, not a society, not a company.

It is the international year CONGRESS MEETING that welcomes all organizations, all societies, companies, schools, artists, talents, who deal with watercolor in the world. With none of them we are in competition, but we recognize and are ready to welcome all of them to participate in our congress meeting and the international cultural exchange.      

FabrianoInAcquarello mission is:  is to be absolutely inclusive of artists, not competitive and non-profit.
It is an opportunity for discussion and motivation to learn technique and creativity.

Our aim is the promotion of water media artists and of painting techniques on paper, with a strong attention to innovation and involvement of younger generations.

The intent is to offer every year a program of performance and artistic relationship where artists are encouraged to cooperate, to observe each other's skills, by sharing activities and friendship relation.
The Congress meeting will welcome all Masters, artists, students and amateurs; they can join and free participate all the day’s programs. The Congress meeting is absolutely not limited to the artist selected for exhibitions.


FabrianoInAcquarello pursues individual artistic enhancement of major international Masters, by recognizing the value of each Artist in his personal style and in the relation to the organization, or societies he belongs to.

We focus on quality, but at the same time we recognize as a value the difference in quality concept done by the geographical cultures of the world, aware that quality concept is not a standard.
We encourage everyone to paint and develop a personal trend manner and style.
We commit to helping the young artists that have talent, and it is our task to recognize them as a way to help them grow a future for watercolor art.


FabrianoInAcquarello do not allow copies, nor reproduction of Masters Artwork and Style.
We will encourage whoever will use copies and reproduction of Masters, but only as a studio to develop personal quality and very firmly, we will ask the students to respect the Mentors and the Masters. We do not allow the copying of artwork or photos that have been copyrighted or have appeared in public publications, such as newspapers or magazines. We allow interpretation for Artistic purpose.

The 2023 the conference meeting is scheduled in Bologna City Center from April 23 to 25, with most important Watercolorists and Communities from all over the world, exhibitions, conferences, collective painting and art performances.   
After FabrianoInAcquarello a painting holiday will be held in Venice, Florence, Verona and Marche and Umbria Region from April 25 to May 2. The painting holiday is open to any accompanying person or artist to join, but we have limited number.

All the participations will be done in booking order by the form at https://www.internationalwatercolormuseum.com/booking2023.php (coming soon)

The 2023 exhibitions will be open in Fabriano from the dates after the conference meeting up to July 3, a time when the city of Fabriano will keep organizing some thematic weekends to welcome audience and artists.